Our director has attended the ATM representing Cartour as a high-quality coach company in Spain at the GPN stand.
In this paragraph I am going to deal with one of the main topics that have been most talked about in the ATM. It is about the future of international travel and tourism. Firstly, the trend towards sustainability has been appreciated and secondly, towards the safety and quality of tourist services.
Therefore, this is where GPN and each of its members draw strength, as it is the only global network of high-quality transportation providers in the world, with a presence in more than 40 countries.
The event, which has been held at the Dubai World Trade Center, is 85% larger this year than in 2021.
It has offered a larger area, with growth in all regions. The professionals of the sector had the opportunity to meet and talk about the latest trends in the tourism sector. Some of the topics were technology, transportation, sustainability, events and business.
The ATM has been characterized because it has offered the opportunity to explore multiple opportunities in the travel and tourism industry in one place.
- Virtual show that includes programs such as webinars and scheduled videoconferences, among others.
- Seminars and Training Sessions: Seminars and workshops at Arabian Travel Market provide an opportunity to gain fundamental knowledge about the travel industry.
- Buyer’s Club: Designed specifically for senior experts in the travel industry, the Buyer’s Club allows access to networking and other opportunities to discuss and engage in business.
- Speed Networking: This event allows visitors to make new business connections. Exhibitors have the opportunity to hold meetings of at least 5 minutes with buyers and improve their knowledge related to the industry.
- Responsible Tourism: The main objective of Arabian Travel Market Dubai is to establish a sustainable travel sector. By uniting travel agencies, corporations and international professionals, ATM Dubai raises awareness of creating practical solutions to address sustainability-related issues in the sector.
- ARRIVAL Dubai at ATM: Includes briefings on digital technology, tour and activity operators, distribution channels, etc.
In conclusion, we can say that Cartour is following and adapting to the trends in the sector